Thursday, October 20, 2011

Virtual Union Meetings

Virtual Union Meetings

I recently attended my fist union teleconference meeting.  It's about time!  I was invite to participate in a test run of the Delta Pilots Association on-line Committee Chair Meeting.  Aside from a few technical glitches, I would declare it a stunning success and eagerly await the day when all Delta pilots worldwide can easily meet in cyberspace to discuss union business.

Minutes before the meeting began, I was emailed a link to the conference.  I quickly downloaded an easy to install app to my IPad. (No software installation was required of the several pilots joining by phone.) The registration process was easy and moments later I was visually connected to a number of pilots in many locations.  One pilot with a young child remarked  how easy it was to decide to attend when child care and travel was removed as a consideration.

Cool features included the ability to send IM texts to other participants or the whole group. There were occasionally some difficulties with sound quality and video feed but I know these are issues that will be short lived with experience.  

All-in-all it was a great to see todays technology overcome one of the greatest barriers to union involvement. I eagerly await more opportunities to see Delta Pilots and DPA seek unity and involvement through video conferencing.