Thursday, April 22, 2010

How well does DALPA represent us? You decide.

Our DALPA leaders often say, “If you don’t like how we govern, either run for office or pass a resolution.”  Nice sound bite.  Since 99% of us have neither the time nor interest to run for office, we pass resolutions.  We hope they are taken seriously, but what we see only fosters doubt and raises suspicion.

Last month, ALPA’s two largest councils passed two identical resolutions calling for better union communication, more transparency from our leadership and a public accounting of the losses we have suffered at the hands of management.  How well did our Master Chairman communicate the way these resolutions were addressed by the MEC?  You decide:

Resolution receiving AI 10-39: Fair Pay for Pilots. Resolution that the Delta MEC commit to more timely and robust communications with regards to TAs and LOAs.

Resolution receiving AI 10-45: Transparency and Communication 2.0.

Resolution receiving AI 10-46: Pilot Working Agreement Restoration.

These resolutions were “received” meaning the MEC “acknowledges and understands the meaning and intent” of the resolutions.  This is a totally inadequate response and shows a lack of respect for our time and effort in passing these resolutions.  Pilots from many councils worked together to travel to LEC Meetings, craft resolutions, debate their merits and pass them unanimously.  The Delta pilots as a whole have a significant interest in their outcome as well.  Yet we know next to nothing about how our leaders honor the expressed will of their members. 

This no-response communication cannot continue.  This is our union and it is not serving our needs.  Please, step up and serve us better, or step aside!