Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving, Sidewiki and Progress ...

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, either at home or on a layover. Thanksgiving is such a simple holiday. No presents, no huge buildup; just a day for gratitude, friends, family and football. I am thankful for your support and participation in improving our union.


Google has a free product, Sidewiki, that lets anyone post comments in the “margin” of any website. It is pretty cool. You can read about Sidewiki and download it here ( It is on the Google Toolbar and can be used without the toolbar as a bookmark on Mac’s and PC’s.

Sidewiki is a great way to post comments on any website. For example, you can comment on a DALPA home page entry ( Or you can post a comment next to a Webboard post by highlighting the text ( This is especially helpful if you read a great/informative post and want to comment alongside it rather than at the bottom of the thread creep (and below the inevitable thread creep that shows up below good posts). (Hopefully these links work properly, the ALPA website has not been very user-friendly lately.) There may be downsides to Sidewiki as well. Since Sidewiki is a separate website the determination of what is inappropriate falls on Google's shoulders. Technology marches forward and innovators make the best of what is available.

Transform ALPA Progress

There as been some good feedback and discussions this past week. I have had positive, candid conversations with candidates and elected members of the MEC. Transparency, more union involvement and better collaboration through readily available communication technology is drawing broad support.

I think it is time to start crafting resolutions calling for these broad concepts and specifics to help implement them. Please send or post your comments on possible Council Resolutions calling for these concepts, including ideas on how to broaden support for passing these resolutions.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Error: ALPA Search Unavailable

ALPA’s use of modern technology is antiquated. We need leadership that takes a visionary approach to communication technology.

We are lacking in some basic tools. Take “search”. Most websites in the modern world have a sophisticated search bar. Our DALPA website has no “search” at all!

I recently spent 30 minutes looking unsuccessfully for a document that was on our website. I posted my frustration on the Forum. I got 3 responses from pilots and an email and a phone call from 2 different Council 44 Reps all telling me where the information was. I really appreciated the quick responses but this wastes everyone’s time.

We need modern, readily available and cheap web tools to facilitate openness, more and better information flow and eased methods for making inputs to our union. The response from our leadership has been hugely disappointing.

There are many of us who want a more responsive union. We want leadership that considers and tries to integrate good ideas. We want union officials to be open and recognize that they are in a service position. Service means being attentive, responsive, positive and understanding. We expect it.

Technology is not a yes or no proposition. We fly to 112 countries. The world is changing around us. We are limited to emails and phone calls, with a world of unused web tools available to us. Let’s get going ALPA. We want more.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

An Interesting Week. . . Blogging for transparency and transformation

It started off with a Forum post where the Strategic Planning Committee Chair suggesting that open discussion of topics may be too expensive (I assume he is talking about those line pilots are not able to have with their union now, such as building Strategic Planning ideas). He also thought that I should be more transparent. Huh? He suggests a line pilot should exercise transparency as a response to a pilot asking for union transparency?? This conversation and a private email from another MEC Administrative Officer (denouncing my ideas as too expensive and unwise) were very revealing. Our union’s decisions are supposed to be made by the MEC (our elected LEC’s when meeting together constitute the MEC). They directly represent Line Pilots. In actuality, the Master Chairman and his Administration exert more union control than they are designed to have. Since when does a Committee Chair decide whether new communication technology should be used, or is too expensive? Neither the Master Chairman nor his officers or committee chairs have any vote on the MEC. Their role is to follow the directives of the MEC whom we elect and whose job it is to set policy.

I have been emailing most of the ideas you have been reading to my LEC. I traveled to the MEC offices on Friday to meet with the ATL Council 44 Chairman who expressed wanted to have a further exploration of our emails. We had a good discussion of many low cost technological improvements available for our communications. We also discussed my contention that the MEC should be more transparent and more collaborative with pilot members. I realize he acts in concert with the rest of the MEC. Transparency, collaboration and up-to-date communication tools would have to be called for by a majority of the MEC if they were to be implemented. Clearly political pressure from Line Pilots would be helpful to move in this direction.

In a time of crisis (i.e. bankruptcy and hostile takeovers) a strong leader may be best or even essential. In less critical times it is important for our union to be lead the way we are chartered to be administered; by an MEC acting on the input of the line pilot. In my opinion the MEC needs line pilot support to make this happen. In addition the extremely low participation rate of the line pilots can be attributable to mistrust that developes when a union is not straight with the membership. Many of our pilots have disconnected from our union processes. We may never have a robust volunteer force, but we can open the MEC up to more scrutiny, greater line pilot participation and new technology tools that can smoothly facilitate involving more pilot volunteers in union business.

I just started writing a blog (called “Transform ALPA”) as a way of collecting my thoughts and ideas about ALPA. I wish more pilots would do the same and move some of the discussion of how to improve our union off the Forum. If this were to occur, some of the best thoughts would be linked to the Forum and other discussion boards. Those ideas would get more attention and support. Blogging can be a way of improving ALPA.

Here are links to my two blogs, here and here. I would really appreciate your input on them, either by email or as a comment on the blog. Which do you like better (they have the same material)? I also hope you will consider starting your own blog of thoughts and ideas on how to improve and transform our union. This effort is not about me. I hope it takes off and I can sit back and just be a small part of an effort for improvement. Lots of dialogue and effort to involve others in the discussion can be really helpful.