Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Resolutions for Change

Resolution 1: Transparency and Communication (Revised)

Whereas the Pilots of Council 44 are highly interested in the manner and substance of business conducted by the Delta MEC,

Whereas Trust, Unity and Collaboration between the pilots of Council 44 and their LEC and MEC leadership is enhanced by timely, informative and open communication,

Whereas the pilots of Council 44 were not given notice of ongoing negotiations and talks with respect to LOA 19 - No Fly Lines, LOA 20 - MAC Charter Operations nor ALPA’s support of the JAL Joint Venture; therefore preventing direct, timely input to these and other ALPA-Management negotiations,

Be it resolved that the pilots of Council 44 direct its Officers to communicate the subject of all negotiations and union business that impacts the majority of Delta Pilots as early as possible to the Council, seeking input and guidance from council members and subsequently using that input when directing the MEC Administration and Negotiating Committee.

Be it further resolved that the Pilots of Council 44 direct their LEC Officers to pursue at minimum bi-monthly communication utilizing technology that facilitates timely, informative, worldwide contact with its members including but not limited to a council website, instant messaging, video or teleconferencing, and that

The Officers of Council 44 commit to using their influence to establish these standards, through out the Delta MEC.

Resolution 2: Pay (Revised)

Whereas the Delta Pilots have sustained an unprecedented assault on our contract by the management of Delta Air Lines resulting in draconian changes to nearly every section of our contract,

Whereas management utilized every means available including threats of dire consequences, company liquidation, and the stringent provisions of bankruptcy law to impose pay cuts in excess of 40%, divestiture of the contractual and moral obligations of the Delta Pilot Pension Plan and the drastic alteration of long established work rules,

Whereas no other employee group at Delta Air Lines sustained pay cuts in any way comparable to those imposed on the Delta Pilots, nor did any other Delta employee group endure the default of their pension and subsequent transfer of pension liabilities to the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation resulting in a drastic reduction of pension payouts,

Be it resolved that the pilots of Atlanta Council 44 will seek full restoration of wages, pensions and work rules at every opportunity.  We further direct the Officers of Council 44 and the Delta MEC to vigorously pursue this restoration with each and every negotiation with Delta Management and to state this intent in all communications regarding any negotiation.

Resolution 3: Conflict of Interest

Whereas the Delta MEC will be supporting and/or voting for a candidate for President, Air Line Pilots Association, International at the Fall Board of Directors Meeting,

Be it resolved that the Pilots of Council 44 direct their LEC Officers to encourage the Delta MEC to commit to only support and vote for candidates that declare their intent to run for office with publicly stated positions before August 2010.

Be it further resolved that the Pilots of Council 44 request that this be accomplished by the submission of a resolution to the Delta MEC at the next Delta MEC Meeting expressing this commitment.

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