Tuesday, December 1, 2009

DALPA backs $1B to JAL – How did that happen? In secret.

The JAL investment backing; another surprise, a no-notice offer of the Delta Pilots’s full support of a management initiative. This was yet another secret MEC action with NO advance notice and NO Line Pilot input demonstrating once again a lack of respect for the pilots they serve.

This is unacceptable; we have higher expectations from our Leaders.

To the MEC:
- Show some courtesy and tell us prior to making decisions that involve and affect the Delta Pilots.
- Why do you, a small fraction of our workforce, think that you can make the best decisions on our behalf while leaving out the incredible knowledge and experience of the broader pilot group? Certainly there is a pilot or two who could offer valuable insights and ideas. This broader input could add to your understanding and expand your range of options.
- Most all of the information in the bulletin you sent to the Delta Pilots is public knowledge. All background information used in making any MEC decisions should be pulled together and readily available to all of the Delta Pilots on our website.

There is a culture of Secrecy within our union that is unnecessary. We have outgrown the paternalistic approach our MEC uses to control and govern. It limits our possibilities. Our efforts as a Union could be multiplied with leadership that recognizes the value of expanded information sharing and collaborative problem solving prior to making decisions.

What do we have to do to impress on the MEC that we live in a time where information is readily available to all (end secrecy), bandwidth is essentially free (share information) and there are models of success that have grown well beyond the current ones employed by our Union (better use the vast resources available to you)?

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