The DALPA TA Pro and Con
We deserve to hear both sides of this TA, both good and bad. If you read what is put out by the Delta MEC you will come to the conclusion they want this TA to pass and doing justice to the downsides of this agreement are not part of that plan. From all I have read, the best summary of the TA including both sides of the major changes has come from Tom Tucker, the Chairman of Council 20. In his letter he summarizes the changes, discusses the impact of the changes, then offers his opinion and grade on the most relevant sections. Here is a link to his letter uploaded to google docs.
A couple of things stood out in Tom's letter.
- The DALPA Contract Survey results "rated pay as the number one priority." "The difference between the pilot's number number 1 and number 2 priorities was ... greater than 50%."
- "The resulting pay raise is less than the direction given by the MEC."
- "... future industry pay rates will be based on bankruptcy contracts and future marginal increases."
- "... a sense of emergency did not exist and self imposed (potentially false) deadlines followed."
- "... the member ratification time frame was reduced and ... {has} more time to negotiate if the TA is rejected."
- "The TA did not satisfy the guidance and parameters as communicated by line pilots and the MEC."